Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

How to Fuel your New Workout - Tips from local registered dietitian Dr. Cece Reeder

With new fitness routines from New Year’s resolutions, adapting your nutrition is crucial for sustained performance. Dr. Kelsey Reeder answers common questions about performance nutrition, including the importance of pre- and post-workout meals, protein intake, and the role of supplements.

Article by Dr. Cece Reeder

With new fitness routines established from New Year’s resolutions, it is important to ensure that adaptations in nutrition are made to sustain performance. This month, I’m answering the most commonly asked questions pertaining to performance nutrition.

Should I eat before working out?

It is important to fuel our bodies prior to exercising, ideally eating within 1-4 hours leading up to the exercise. For those that are early morning exercisers, this is especially important to consider since the last time your body was fueled was likely 8 or more hours before hand. Overnight, our body is relying on the food we consumed at dinner to keep our body functioning, so when we wake up, our energy stores are low. These energy stores that are being used overnight are the storage form of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, despite their terrible publicity, are essential for life and to fuel our exercise routines.

Some of the bad press associated with carbohydrates is that it provides us with “quick energy.” This same reason why many people are fearful of carbs is why they are beneficial for exercise - the quick breakdown allows us to to have energy readily available to continue on with exercise. Research suggests that those that consume a diet lower in carbohydrates actually may experience lactic acid production (aka that “burning” sensation) earlier in exercise, which tends to prohibit individuals from lasting longer. 

Because of the benefits of carbohydrates, it is recommended to consume carbs before exercising. It’s a common misconception that protein is needed prior to exercise; however, consuming protein or dietary fats beforehand does not lend to improved outcomes; rather, consumption of these two macronutrients can create gastrointestinal distress during movement. 

Short answer: Yes! Especially carbs! 

What is the best timing to eat after exercising?

Exercise depletes the body of energy, so we want to ensure that we are refueling properly. Replenishing the body of carbohydrates and protein thirty minutes to an hour after exercise is associated with the most benefits in muscle recovery. This is not to say that waiting to eat past the hour post-exercise mark is “bad;” however, it is not as optimal for our body. 

Short answer: Carbs and protein within 30 minutes to an hour after exercise. 

How many grams of protein should I be consuming per day?

Frankly speaking, some of the growing trends on social media providing advice of protein needs is frightening. Not only are some of the recommendations near impossible to meet, but they fail to provide an individual approach; meaning, they do not consider an individual’s medical history, physical activity, or personal goals. Further, the majority of protein recommendations are far too high, which can cause an array of health consequences. A good rule of thumb for generalized protein recommendations includes making a quarter of your plate at mealtime a source of protein. For more personalized information, consult a qualified health professional. 

Short answer: Protein recommendations should be personalized and most individuals are likely meeting protein needs with their existing diet. 

What supplements should I be taking to improve my performance?

It seems like every so often a new supplement garners the attention and affection of the population. Supplements can be beneficial; however, it is also based on an individual. Some factors that dietitians consider before recommending supplements includes: an individual’s overall diet, lab work, medication, and other regularly consumed supplements and herbs.  Instead of relying on a friend or celebrity for supplement advice, remind yourself that your individual needs and lifestyle is not the exact same, and what is best for one person, may not be best for you. 

Short answer: Be weary of attractive marketing for supplements, they may not always be necessary. 

Nutrition can enhance your fitness routine, and maintaining the mindset that nutrition is a personalized science and food is fuel can help ensure that you are making the most of your next workout!

Dr. Kelsey “Cece” Reeder, DCN, RD is a clinical and private practice registered dietitian in Fairfield County. Dr. Cece is now accepting new patients! Email for any inquiries.

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Registered Dietitian Vs. Nutritionist: Understanding the difference - Featuring Dr. Kelsey Reeder, DCN, RD, CDN

Discover the truth behind common nutrition myths and learn about the vital role of a registered dietitian. Dr. Kelsey Reeder shares her expert insights on individualized nutrition, the importance of a “Food First” approach, and how to make healthier food choices.

GL: What is a common misconception people have about the nutrition industry? 
CR: The biggest misconception of the health and nutrition industry is that there is a “magic bullet” solution; when in reality, there is no one specific answer as nutrition requires an individualized approach. Other misconceptions exist amongst claims of certain foods. Somehow, we have gotten to a point where there is a belief that fruit is too high in sugar, coconut oil is superior, and would rather swallow a pill to get nutrients than eat food. The reality is, fruit is a healthy option that provides essential nutrients and sugar that our brain needs to function. Coconut oil is not the best choice of oil – it is actually high in saturated fat (the “bad fat”) and is comparable to lard. Most are shocked I am not a fan of general and frequent consumption of nutrition supplements. For some individuals, supplements are necessary and I would endorse the recommendation for a specific supplement. However, I prefer to take a “Food First” approach. Unless there is a physiological issue in absorption or a particular metabolic process, we should first try to increase a particular micronutrient by adding foods in that vitamin or mineral to our diet. For some nutrients, such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K, there are associated health consequences with taking excess amounts. This amount is difficult to reach from food alone, but without carefully considering supplement doses, along with an analysis of foods that are typically consumed, the excessive amount could be approached. For vitamins like B and C, we actually just excrete any excess through our urine – which is why sometimes people note that their urine is a different color when they take certain supplements! It is a sign that your body has enough to function. A great example of utilizing the “Food First” approach would be if someone came to me for help to improve his or her iron status, instead of starting by suggesting an iron supplement, I would provide interventions to see if increasing iron rich foods and foods with vitamin C (which assist with the absorption of iron), or maybe consuming these iron and vitamin C foods at a different time than foods rich in calcium (since calcium actually interferes with the absorption of iron). After a period of time adapting these changes, I’d look for indications of improvement in iron status and would make further adjustments accordingly.

GL: What is the difference between RD and nutritionist, what does a dietitian do?
CR: Registered dietitians (RD) are the food and nutrition experts. A RD utilizes evidenced based practices to provide individualized, medical nutrition therapy. All RDs are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are registered dietitians. The biggest differentiating factor is education. To become a dietitian, courses such as organic chemistry, pathophysiology, food science, medical nutrition therapy, and counseling must be taken; this is followed by a minimum of 1,000 supervised practice hours to permit eligibility to sit for the national board exam. Starting in 2024, a minimum of a Master’s degree will be required for exam eligibility.

GL: What is your area of interest in this field?
CR: My focus is in sports and performance nutrition. I grew up as a dancer and currently work as a group fitness instructor which helped develop my passion for this area of nutrition. I have an affinity to the philosophies of intuitive and mindful eating, as well as helping individuals improve their relationships with food, which actually ties to sports and performance nutrition. Many people might be unaware of this term “performance nutrition”, but it is similar to sports nutrition in that it looks to help individuals improve their performance. This would be appropriate for adults who participate in endurance events and are looking to help improve their times, individuals that frequently attend group fitness classes, or even those who are just starting out on a fitness routine. The populations that benefit from sports and performance nutrition guidance are, unfortunately, oftentimes the population that is being provided false nutrition information; which is all the more reason why I love working in this area.

GL: Many health professionals, such as yourself have recently discussed the “anti-diet” mentality, what does that mean? 

CR: I certainly have adapted an “anti-diet” mentality given that research continues to prove that diets are not effective in achieving weight loss and even indicate that dieting is associated with weight gain. My advice can simply be broken down to the fact that all foods fit! It’s interesting, we love to personify foods as being “good” or “bad,” but at the end of the day, it is just food. Food has no emotion, no personality, it’s just an item. Sure, some foods might have more added sugar, but if that food is a slice of cake to celebrate a birthday, it isn’t necessarily the healthiest decision for us to opt out on that piece of cake! That one small piece of
cake is not as unhealthy as depriving yourself from it. Not only are you diminishing the joy and the community aspect that is associated with this, but you are also not satisfying the craving and desire for that piece of cake – ultimately leading you to seek it out later.

GL: What are some popular healthy alternatives for common foods?
CR: Fortunately, there are some great products on the market! Rather than rattling a list of products, here are my three tips when looking to make a healthy choice:
1. Look to build a complete meal or snack – that means adding a carbohydrate, protein, with fruits and/or vegetables.
2. Look at the nutrition label rather than relying on the marketing to be your guide.
3. Ensure that you actually like the food! A food with great ingredients is only good if you enjoy it.

GL: Oftentimes, what advice do you have for people when trying to figure out the health industry and finding what works best for them?
CR: Marketing in the food industry can be misleading, with added misinformation from untrained individuals speaking on products and diets through various platforms – it is a recipe for failure. Instead of helping people create the body they want to see, I try to help people feel comfortable in their own skin and help them create a body that feels best for them! My advice would be to:

Find joyful movement –exercise should be something that you look forward to doing! Now, this certainly may take time if it has been a while since starting with a fitness routine, or if you are seeking something new; however, this is a way for you to take time for yourself and celebrate what your body can do!
 Seek out advice from a registered dietitian! We are trained to be the food and nutrition experts and work to provide an individualized approach to help you achieve your goals.
 Don’t worry about the number on the scale. It is just a number and does not take into consideration your ratio of lean muscle mass to fat. That common adage, muscle weighs more than fat, has truth to it. Muscle is denser than fat so one pound of muscle is going to be more condensed than one pound of fat. Because of this, if you are starting a new fitness routine and are building muscle, you are actually going to start to see an increase in your weight first because you are building muscle. This number can also fluctuate day to day just based on water retention, so it isn’t always reliable.
 Reduce stress – stressing about the number on the scale or stressing about not losing weight as fast as you had hoped is just going to impede you on this journey. Give yourself time and remind yourself that going about this journey the correct way (i.e. without fad diets, medically unnecessary medications, etc.) will help provide the most long-term success. Think about it this way, the faster you lose the weight, the faster you are likely to gain it back. However, with making proper changes, the weight loss is likely to be a slower process, and you will see more sustainability.

As we enter "comfort food season," this can be a challenging time for many people; it is a high stress time with many seasonal treats that are readily available. The most general pieces of advice would be to find ways to manage stress and focus on nutrition by

1. Stress Management: During stressful periods, it is common that our relationships with food start to change. This might mean we start to seek food for comfort or our appetite is suppressed and we start to skip meals. Both of these changes disrupt our ability to listen to our hunger cues, eat intuitively, and make the choices that would support our bodies the best. To prevent disrupting our eating patterns, I recommend finding an activity that aids in stress reduction. This could incorporate joyful movement, breathing exercises, or listening to meditation clips on apps such as Calm.
2. Nutrition by Addition: Instead of feeling the need to restrict and not
allow yourself to enjoy the foods that are available during the holidays, ask yourself – what can I add to make this a more filling option? For instance, if you are craving that slice of pumpkin bread, allow yourself to have it, but consider pairing it with protein. This
addition will allow you to feel fuller for longer, help you satisfy your craving, and can potentially prevent you from “overdoing it” with the pumpkin bread!

Dr. Kelsey Reeder, DCN, RD, CDN holds a doctorate in clinical nutrition from Fairfield University and is a certified registered dietitian here in Connecticut.

Kelsey, known to many as Cece, works closely with clients to help achieve individual related goals pertaining to performance nutrition, improving relationships with food, and more!

Cece is currently the in-house dietitian at Club Sweat Westport. Scan the QR code to book your in-person or virtual appointment with her.

Registered dietitians (RD) are the food and nutrition experts. A RD utilizesevidenced based practices to provide individualized, medical nutritiontherapy. All RDs are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are registereddietitians.

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Your New Delectable Summer Salad - One local Doctorate Student in Clinical Nutrition shares her healthy salad recipe of the season

Learn how to build a nutritious and satisfying salad using chickpeas, buckwheat, and fresh vegetables. Follow our easy recipe for a healthy meal.

When building a salad, especially when looking to enjoy a salad as a meal, we want to ensure that we are providing our body with all of the necessary components of a meal. To build a salad, I like to first pick out my whole grain and protein source. In this salad, I’m combining my whole grain, buckwheat, with chickpeas to create a complete protein. I begin to think of what base and vegetables I can combine to provide an enjoyable texture and flavor to the salad. To top it off, I like to incorporate a dressing to make the salad more unique and serve as a source of healthy dietary fat.

Approximately 2-4 servings


- 1 can chickpeas

- 1-2 tsp. garlic powder

- Black pepper to taste

- 1 cup buckwheat

- 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar

- 2 tbsp. Garlic pesto

- 1 lemon

- 1 cucumber

- 1 tomato

- 1 carrot (shredded)

- 1 bunch of kale

- 1 bunch of Swiss chard

- 1 bunch of scallions


1. Preheat oven to 450º

2. Drain chickpeas and place on an aluminum foil-lined sheet pan

3. Lightly dress the chickpeas with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic powder and black pepper to taste

4. Roast chickpeas in the oven for approximately 20 minutes

5. Start to cook buckwheat: boil 2 parts water to 1 part buckwheat; once water is boiling, add buckwheat to the pot. Cover the pot and let simmer for 20 minutes (or follow package directions)

6. Wash and prepare produce for salad (chop kale and Swiss chard for the base; slice cucumbers, tomatoes, and scallions; shred carrots)

*tip: massage kale with lemon juice overnight to make the kale less bitter

7. Prepare pesto lemon vinaigrette dressing: 1 part red wine vinegar to 2 parts pesto + lemon juice to taste

8. Combine ingredients in a large bowl, drizzle on the pesto lemon vinaigrette

9. Mix, serve, and enjoy!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Your Summer Food Tips + Our Local Farmers Market Guide

Dive into the vibrant world of Farmers’ Markets this summer, featuring fresh produce highlights and delightful seasonal recipes.

As we continue eating foods in season, summer is the perfect chance to explore what is available to us locally through attending Farmers’ Markets!

Farmers’ Markets are not only a fun activity to pass time and enjoy the summer sun, but it allows us to connect with the grower that sources the food we’re placing on our table, find seasonal produce, and is a way to obtain produce in a more environmentally sound manner than other methods.

Looking for a Farmers’ Market near you? Check out our Farmers’ Market Guide below!

Over the summer, we see a larger amount of produce available in season, I’ve included a highlight of some of the produce that is available and two seasonal recipes!

New Canaan

Lumber Yard Lot (near the train station)
244 Elm Street
New Canaan, CT 06840

Open every Saturday until November 18, 2023
10:00am to 2:00pm


Goodwives Shopping Center: 25 Old Kings Hwy N, Darien, CT 06820

Every Wednesday 10-3

Old Greenwich

38 West End Avenue Old Greenwich

Wednesday 2:30-6pm


Commuter Parking Lot: Arch Street and Horseneck Lane Greenwich, CT
Saturdays: 9:30 AM – 1 PM

July Produce:

Avocado, blueberries, corn, cucumbers, mango, strawberries, field greens, peas, citrus, pineapple, tomatoes, watermelon, zucchini

Smashed Bean Summer Tacos:

Tacos are an easy dinner idea that can allow for leftovers to be transformed into a taco salad


Quarter avocado, diced

Can of black beans

Grilled shrimp or chicken (optional)

1 tomato, diced

Half cup corn

Quarter red onion, diced

One lime

Sour cream

Small tortillas

Shredded cheese

  1. Drain and rinse black beans and add to a pot with half a cup of water. Place on medium heat and cover the pot for about ten minutes. Once beans are soft, reduce heat to low and stir beans and carefully smash the beans till they are smooth and thick in texture. Stir in half of the diced onion into the smashed beans

  2. While beans are cooking, prepare the salsa: combine the corn, tomatoes, and onions in a bowl; squeeze juice from half a lime and stir

  3. Warm tortillas and line with smashed beans. Add grilled shrimp or chicken if desired, avocado, salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese, and a squeeze of lime juice

Watermelon Salad:

This simple salad just requires that the ingredients are prepared and combined. It is the perfect side dish to add more fruits and vegetables to a meal and also allows for a fun way to enjoy some of these seasonal items!


Quarter of a watermelon, diced

One cucumber, chopped

Quarter red onion, diced

One cup of chickpeas

Third cup of feta cheese

Mint to taste

Lime juice from half a lime or to taste

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Top Mistakes to Avoid on the Elliptical Machine

Explore common mistakes on the elliptical machine and how to correct them for optimal cardio workouts at Club Sweat in Westport. Exercise smarter with our expert tips and guidance!

Using the elliptical machine is a fantastic way to engage in low-impact, high-intensity cardio workouts that benefit your cardiovascular health and overall fitness. However, like any exercise equipment, improper use can lead to ineffective workouts or even injuries. At Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively. Let's explore some common mistakes people make on the elliptical machine and how to correct them for a better workout experience.

Mistake #1: Slouching or Leaning on the Handles

Why it's a Problem: Leaning on the handles reduces the effectiveness of the workout by transferring weight off your legs. It also strains your back and shoulders.

Correction: Stand tall with a straight posture, engaging your core muscles. Lightly touch the handles for balance, but avoid leaning on them. Focus on using your legs to propel the machine.

Mistake #2: Using Incorrect Foot Positioning

Why it's a Problem: Placing your feet too far forward or backward on the pedals can lead to discomfort or strain on your knees and ankles.

Correction: Position your feet flat on the pedals, ensuring your weight is evenly distributed. Your knees should be slightly bent at all times during the motion.

Mistake #3: Not Using Enough Resistance

Why it's a Problem: Working out at a low resistance level limits the cardiovascular benefits and calorie burn of your workout.

Correction: Adjust the resistance level to challenge yourself without straining. Aim for a moderate level that allows you to maintain a steady pace while feeling a slight resistance.

Mistake #4: Holding Your Breath

Why it's a Problem: Holding your breath reduces oxygen flow to your muscles and can lead to dizziness or fatigue.

Correction: Breathe naturally throughout your workout. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm.

Mistake #5: Overstriding or Using Incorrect Motion

Why it's a Problem: Overstriding can strain your muscles and joints, particularly your hips and knees. Incorrect motion patterns can also lead to inefficient workouts.

Correction: Use a smooth, fluid motion with controlled strides. Avoid excessive swinging of your legs or jerky movements. Focus on a natural elliptical path that mimics walking or running.

Mistake #6: Not Paying Attention to Posture and Form

Why it's a Problem: Poor posture and form can lead to discomfort or injury over time, particularly in your lower back and joints.

Correction: Maintain a neutral spine and engage your core muscles throughout the workout. Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid hunching forward.

Mistake #7: Skipping the Warm-Up or Cool-Down

Why it's a Problem: Skipping warm-up exercises can lead to muscle strain or injury. Skipping cool-down exercises can result in muscle soreness and stiffness.

Correction: Always start your workout with a 5-10 minute warm-up session to prepare your muscles and joints. End with a 5-10 minute cool-down session to gradually lower your heart rate and stretch your muscles.

Experience Safe and Effective Workouts at Club Sweat

At Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, our knowledgeable trainers are here to help you maximize your elliptical workouts. Visit our studio to learn proper techniques, receive personalized guidance, and enjoy a supportive environment that prioritizes your safety and fitness goals.

Stay Connected Anytime, Anywhere with Our Digital App

Can’t make it to our studio? Our Club Sweat digital app offers instructional videos, workout tips, and virtual classes to support your fitness journey from home or on the go. Stay connected with our community and access expert guidance wherever you are.

Join Us Today

Ready to achieve your fitness goals with effective elliptical workouts? Visit Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, and discover how to avoid common mistakes while using the elliptical machine. Download our app to start improving your workout technique and experiencing the benefits of safe and efficient exercise.

At Club Sweat, we’re committed to helping you exercise smarter and safer. Join our community and elevate your fitness journey with proper elliptical machine techniques!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Mental Health Benefits of Regular Exercise

Inform yourself about the mental health benefits of exercise at Club Sweat. From stress reduction to improved mood, discover how regular workouts in Westport can transform your well-being.

In the bustling town of Westport, Connecticut, amidst the daily grind and hectic schedules, taking care of our mental well-being is as crucial as maintaining physical fitness. At Club Sweat, we believe in the transformative power of exercise not only for physical health but also for mental clarity and emotional balance. Let's delve into how consistent exercise routines can significantly improve mental well-being and reduce stress.

The Mind-Body Connection

  1. Stress Reduction: Regular exercise is a natural stress reliever. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, often referred to as "feel-good" hormones, which can help reduce feelings of anxiety and tension.

  2. Improved Mood: Exercise has been shown to elevate mood and combat symptoms of depression. It promotes neural growth and reduces inflammation in the brain, contributing to a sense of well-being and positivity.

  3. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Physical activity boosts cognitive function and memory by increasing blood flow to the brain and promoting the growth of new brain cells. This can lead to improved focus, sharper thinking, and better decision-making abilities.

  4. Better Sleep Quality: Regular exercise can enhance sleep quality by regulating your sleep-wake cycle and promoting deeper, more restorative sleep. A well-rested mind is better equipped to handle daily challenges and maintain emotional balance.

The Psychological Benefits

  1. Increased Self-Esteem: Achieving fitness goals and improving physical health through exercise can boost self-esteem and confidence. It provides a sense of accomplishment and empowers individuals to overcome obstacles both in and out of the gym.

  2. Social Interaction: Participating in group exercise classes or joining fitness communities fosters social connections and reduces feelings of loneliness or isolation. Social support plays a vital role in maintaining mental well-being.

  3. Stress Management: Engaging in physical activity offers a healthy outlet for managing stress. Whether it's through cardiovascular exercise, strength training, or mindful activities like yoga, exercise helps release pent-up energy and tension.

Making Exercise a Habit

  1. Start Small: Begin with manageable goals and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as your fitness level improves.

  2. Find Enjoyment: Choose activities that you enjoy and look forward to. Whether it's dancing, hiking, or cycling, finding pleasure in exercise makes it easier to maintain a consistent routine.

  3. Incorporate Variety: Mix up your workouts to prevent boredom and target different muscle groups. Try incorporating aerobic exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and mindfulness practices for a well-rounded approach.

Experience the Benefits at Club Sweat

At Club Sweat, we’re passionate about promoting holistic wellness through regular exercise. Our studio in Westport offers a variety of fitness classes and personalized training programs designed to enhance both physical fitness and mental health. Join our community and discover how exercise can transform your life, inside and out.

Stay Connected Anytime, Anywhere with Our Digital App

Can’t make it to our studio? Our Club Sweat digital app allows you to access our expertly guided workouts, mindfulness exercises, and wellness tips from the comfort of your home or on the go. Stay connected with our supportive community and prioritize your mental well-being wherever life takes you.

Join Us Today

Ready to prioritize your mental health with the power of exercise? Visit Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, and embark on a journey to a healthier mind and body. Download our app to start experiencing the mental health benefits of regular exercise today.

At Club Sweat, we’re committed to helping you achieve balance and well-being through fitness. Join our community and discover the profound impact of regular exercise on your mental health.

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

The Role of Music in High-Intensity Workouts

Ready to turn up the volume on your workouts? At Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, we're all about harnessing the power of music to take your fitness journey to the next level. Whether you're looking to boost your motivation, sharpen your focus, or simply groove through your workout, our handpicked playlists and top-notch sound systems are here to amp up every rep and stride. Dive into our music-infused workouts, whether you're sweating it out in our studio or rocking your routine at home with our digital app. Join us and let the beats fuel your fitness journey!

How Music Elevates Your Workout

Boosts Motivation and Energy: Upbeat music with a strong rhythm can elevate your mood and increase your motivation to exercise. It stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, making your workout more enjoyable and encouraging you to give it your all.

Improves Performance: Studies have shown that listening to music can enhance athletic performance by helping you maintain a consistent rhythm and pace during your workout. This is particularly beneficial for activities like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), where maintaining intensity is key.

Enhances Focus: Music acts as a powerful distraction from discomfort and fatigue, allowing you to stay focused on your movements and goals. It can improve concentration, making your workouts more efficient and effective.

Sets the Tone: The tempo and beat of music can influence your workout intensity. Faster tracks can push you during cardio sessions, while slower rhythms are perfect for warm-ups and cool-downs.

Reduces Perceived Effort: When you’re immersed in music, you may perceive your workout as less strenuous, enabling you to push yourself further and achieve better results.

Discover Our Playlist Experience

Curious about how music can enhance your workout? Visit the Home section of our website to get a taste of our specially curated playlists. Whether you’re at home, at the gym, or on the go, our playlists are designed to keep you motivated and energized throughout your fitness journey.

Experience Club Sweat with Music-Enhanced Workouts

At Club Sweat, we integrate the power of music into every aspect of your fitness experience. Our state-of-the-art studio in Westport features premium sound systems that deliver crisp, high-quality audio to complement your workouts. Join our vibrant community and enjoy the motivational benefits of music-enhanced training sessions.

Stay Fit Anytime, Anywhere with Our Digital App

Can’t make it to our studio? No problem! Our Club Sweat digital app brings the energy and expertise of our workouts directly to you. Access our curated playlists and expertly guided sessions from the comfort of your home or wherever your fitness journey takes you. With our app, you can experience the transformative power of music in your workouts anytime, anywhere.

Join Us Today

Ready to elevate your workout with the perfect playlist? Visit Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, and immerse yourself in a fitness environment where music fuels your performance. Don’t forget to download our app to access our playlists and enjoy the ultimate workout experience.

At Club Sweat, we’re committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals with innovative approaches and personalized guidance. Join our community and discover how music can amplify your high-intensity workouts!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Creating a Balanced Workout Routine Focused on the Elliptical Machine

We’re all about nailing that perfect workout blend for maximum fitness and feeling awesome. Picture this: hitting the elliptical, pumping iron, and getting down with functional exercises. It’s the recipe for a killer fitness plan that amps up your heart health, beefs up your muscles, and makes everyday moves a breeze. Ready to level up your weekly workouts? Here’s how to rock your fitness routine with us!

At Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, we believe that a balanced workout routine is the key to achieving optimal fitness and overall well-being. By focusing on a combination of the elliptical machine, weights, and functional exercises, you can create a comprehensive fitness plan that enhances cardiovascular health, builds strength, and improves everyday movements. Here’s how you can structure your weekly fitness plan to make the most of your workouts.

The Core Components of a Balanced Workout Routine

  1. Elliptical Machine Workouts

  2. Strength Training with Weights

  3. Functional Exercises

Structuring Your Weekly Plan

Monday: Cardiovascular Focus

  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light cardio (e.g., brisk walking or gentle cycling)

  • Elliptical Machine: 30-40 minutes of steady-state cardio at a moderate resistance level

  • Cool-Down: 5 minutes of slow pedaling followed by static stretching

Tuesday: Strength Training with Weights

  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of dynamic stretching

  • Strength Training:

    • Squats with dumbbells (3 sets of 12 reps)

    • Bench press or chest press (3 sets of 10 reps)

    • Deadlifts (3 sets of 10 reps)

    • Dumbbell rows (3 sets of 12 reps per side)

    • Planks (3 sets of 1 minute)

  • Cool-Down: 5 minutes of stretching focusing on the muscles worked

Wednesday: Functional Fitness

  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light cardio

  • Functional Exercises:

    • Kettlebell swings (3 sets of 15 reps)

    • Medicine ball slams (3 sets of 15 reps)

    • Step-ups with dumbbells (3 sets of 12 reps per side)

    • TRX rows (3 sets of 12 reps)

    • Core exercises (Russian twists, leg raises)

  • Cool-Down: 5 minutes of stretching

Thursday: Active Recovery

  • Activity: Light yoga or a gentle walk

  • Focus: Flexibility and mobility exercises to aid recovery

Friday: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on the Elliptical

  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light pedaling

  • HIIT Session:

    • 1 minute of high resistance and high speed

    • 2 minutes of low resistance and moderate speed

    • Repeat for 20-30 minutes

  • Cool-Down: 5 minutes of slow pedaling followed by stretching

Saturday: Total Body Strength and Functional Training

  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of dynamic stretching

  • Circuit Training:

    • Lunges with bicep curls (3 sets of 12 reps per side)

    • Shoulder presses (3 sets of 12 reps)

    • Kettlebell deadlifts (3 sets of 15 reps)

    • TRX push-ups (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

    • Core exercises (planks, mountain climbers)

  • Cool-Down: 5 minutes of stretching

Sunday: Rest Day

  • Focus: Allow your body to rest and recover

Experience Club Sweat in Westport

At Club Sweat, our expert coaches are here to guide you through creating and maintaining a balanced workout routine that fits your goals and lifestyle. Visit our Westport studio to experience our state-of-the-art equipment, personalized coaching, and supportive community.

Stay Fit Anytime, Anywhere with Our Digital App

Can’t make it to our Westport studio? No problem! The Club Sweat digital app brings our top-notch fitness expertise to you, wherever you are. Access a variety of classes, personalized programs, and all the benefits of our elliptical, strength, and functional training workouts remotely. Our app ensures you stay on track with your fitness journey, whether at home or on the go.

Join Us Today

Ready to create a balanced workout routine that delivers results? Visit Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, and let our team help you achieve your fitness goals. Don’t forget to download our app to continue your fitness journey with us wherever you are.

At Club Sweat, we’re committed to your success and well-being. Join us and discover the power of a balanced workout routine!

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Elliptical Laura Sabia Elliptical Laura Sabia

Benefits of Low-Impact, High-Intensity Workouts

At Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, we pride ourselves on offering fitness solutions that cater to all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes. One of the key approaches we emphasize is low-impact, high-intensity workouts. But what makes this method so effective, and why should you consider incorporating it into your fitness routine?

What Are Low-Impact, High-Intensity Workouts?

Low-impact workouts are exercises that minimize stress on your joints while still providing a challenging cardiovascular and strength-training experience. By focusing on movements that are gentle on the body, you can avoid common injuries associated with high-impact activities like running or jumping. However, when combined with high-intensity intervals, these workouts become powerful tools for achieving your fitness goals.

Advantages for Various Fitness Levels

  1. Joint-Friendly: Whether you are new to fitness or have been working out for years, low-impact exercises like those on the elliptical machine, or using weights and functional exercises, provide a safer option. They help in maintaining the health of your joints, making it suitable for older adults, individuals recovering from injuries, or those with chronic pain.

  2. Effective Calorie Burn: High-intensity intervals push your body to work harder in short bursts, increasing your heart rate and calorie burn. This combination ensures that even without high-impact movements, you can achieve significant results.

  3. Improved Cardiovascular Health: By engaging in these workouts, you enhance your heart health without the excessive strain that can come from high-impact exercises. Consistent practice helps in lowering blood pressure and improving overall cardiovascular function.

  4. Increased Strength and Endurance: Using weights and functional exercises within a low-impact, high-intensity framework helps build muscle and improve endurance. This balanced approach ensures comprehensive fitness development.

Experience It at Club Sweat

At Club Sweat, we have designed our studio and programs with your well-being in mind. Our experienced coaches will guide you through low-impact, high-intensity workouts that are tailored to your individual needs. Whether it's using our state-of-the-art elliptical machines or engaging in strength training and functional exercises, you’ll find a variety of options to keep your workouts fresh and effective.

Anytime, Anywhere with Club Sweat Digital App

Can’t make it to our Westport studio? No problem! Our digital app brings the expertise of Club Sweat coaches directly to you. Enjoy all the benefits of our low-impact, high-intensity workouts from the comfort of your home or on the go. With a wide range of classes and personalized programs, you can stay fit and healthy anytime, anywhere.

Join Us Today

Ready to experience the benefits of low-impact, high-intensity workouts? Visit Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, and let our team help you achieve your fitness goals. Don't forget to download our app to continue your journey with us wherever you are.

Embrace a healthier, stronger you with Club Sweat!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Why you need to join the best Online Workout programs

In a fast-moving world, almost everything is readily accessible. Downloadable online notes, online support, online interaction, training videos that can be replayed, and assessments/quizzes that can be taken anytime during the course help professionals learn better and faster. The easier courses are to be reached, the easier it is for professionals to reach their goals.

Online training is the art of knowledge transfer through the internet, from anywhere in the globe to targeted audiences who choose to learn a particular subject. Online training courses are of two kinds – free and paid versions. Professionals who excel in a particular field choose to teach and train students who are willing to take up online classes. Notes in PDFs, Word documents, video tutorials, and assessments are given as a package with the training modules, thereby helping students learn faster and easier. Also, some of the certifications and certificates that can be provided, to award candidates for their understanding capabilities, are highly valued by various organizations. Some companies offer training options before employees are made permanent in their jobs. This training does not end before the job begins: It rather continues through online courses by brushing up on concepts and new technologies. Here are a few advantages of online training that showcase how it helps improve an employee's professional life

Top 5 Reasons to join online training classes

1] Easy On The Pockets

With all these physical copies of books, notes, and professors to handle courses, traditional software training courses demand a very high price for certifications and course completion. In comparison to this, eBooks and notes are permanently saved in your hard drive when it comes to online training. Certifications are provided online, in printable format, with course completion recognition that can be shared on job-posting websites, social media, and more. Reference videos, course materials, and examination scores are saved and can be viewed multiple times, with no limit. Online courses are extremely cost-effective and can be utilized efficiently.

2] Flexibility

Technology demands newer updates and faster systems all the time. This can only be achieved with constant training and learning. Working a 9-5 job and pursuing courses may seem tiring if you have to go to a training center before or after work. Sometimes going to the training center may rob your weekends and eat up your free time. Online training courses can be taken anytime, anywhere. The only requirement would be an internet connection. Making time during your stay at home and taking online courses instead of watching television, and listening to audio/video files while traveling to and from work are some of the ways online training courses can be taken up. This ensures flexibility in terms of time and effort.

3] Information Retention

Online courses help trainees retain and remember information with attractive images, videos, legible fonts, movie clips, animated descriptions, and more. Real-life examples are also given to explain concepts better. Displaying information in well-crafted ways leads to a better understanding of learning content than taking notes with pen and paper. Face-to-face instructor-led training can force trainees to deviate from topics because of long lectures, where speech is the major mode of communication.

4] Interactive Community

One of the best things about online training classes is the online community, so look for courses that have an active online network where you can share ideas and knowledge. Online training is not done in isolation and engaging with your online colleagues pays dividends. Everyone has valuable comments to make and questions to ask. Everyone has the same opportunity to contribute to discussion forums and practical exercises, whether you are confident and extroverted or quieter and more reflective. Online training makes it easier to have an equal say and leads to a more collaborative and richer learning experience, as you discuss and share your ideas and share in the experience of others.

5] Expert Support 

Check that your online training classes has a Course Facilitator. Well, qualified Course Facilitators should be available to moderate discussion forums and help you with any queries. Everyone needs help at times and this one-to-one contact ensures that you are not left in a learning vacuum where you are unsure about any aspects.

Do you want to start your Elliptical Classes?

We have everything in place for everyone, our gym is sanitized after every session. For those not ready or uncomfortable coming to classes in person, we have an online workout program to View Here

Reach-out to our team and learn more about the elliptical training classes HERE!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Why you should consider elliptical training as your plan for healthy & fit life

Let’s take some time right now to go over what benefits there are to using an elliptical trainer as well as help you sort out a few elliptical workout plans that you can add to your usual weight loss plan. As you get started on your weight loss journey, one thing that you’ll definitely want to spend some time getting into place is a solid elliptical workout plan.  The Elliptical machine is one of the best forms of cardio you could be doing for a variety of reasons, so if you have yet to give it a try, it may be time to shift your usual workouts over to see what it has to offer.

For those who are also at a heavier weight right now, you’ll find that the elliptical trainer is much more comfortable to use since it doesn’t have the up and down motion that running does, which just has that weight coming down on your body with each step you take.

Main Reasons Why You Should Try to Use An Elliptical Trainer?

Elliptical trainers are one of the relatively new forms of cardio equipment to hit the relation as back in the days like the treadmill and bike were your only two options. With this, people everywhere are welcoming the change to their sessions after experiencing positive results.

Perhaps the single most attractive feature of using the elliptical trainer is the fact that it’s a very low-impact workout.  If you’re always running on the treadmill, all of this pounding can really build up over time and lead you to suffer from knee, back, or hip pain. Those who are already in pain no doubt felt some restriction as they went about their workouts and this could have caused them to put in less effort than they should.

Focus on the Upper And Lower Body Workout

The second reason why you should consider adding an elliptical workout plan into your overall routine is that it’s going to provide both an upper and lower body workout at the same time.  With running or cycling, you’re predominantly only going to be working the lower body, so it’s not nearly as effective.

You’ll also be working against a higher resistance level when using the elliptical, which can prove to provide strong benefits as well. If you’re someone who isn’t performing weight lifting workouts in addition to your elliptical sessions, this definitely will prove to be an advantage.

With running or cycling, you may develop more muscle tone in your lower body, but very often the upper body will still stay soft and undefined.

High-Calorie Burns at all time

The next reason to integrate an elliptical workout plan into your weight loss routine is simply that it will burn so many calories. Sessions performed on this machine can easily burn 300-400 calories per 30 minutes, so if you go for an hour straight, that’s enough of a daily deficit to create at least one pound of fat loss per week.

This is partly because, unlike the treadmill or bike you are only working the lower body, while the elliptical work pretty much every muscle group in the body in its entirety. This definitely enhances the rate of weight loss you’re going to experience and may mean you don’t have to be quite as strict on your diet to see your desired rate of fat loss take place. Because it is working the upper body as well, you’ll get your heart rate up higher more easily when using the elliptical, which is also critical for improving your cardiovascular fitness.

Consistency In Your Workout Routine

Steady-state sessions are going to be great for beginners who are just starting out and at a slightly lower overall fitness level. Interval training is a very intense form of workout and for these beginners will likely be just a bit too much for them to handle. 

Also, the steady-state workout sessions are also a good idea for those who are performing several weightlifting workouts each week as well, as they can really come to place a high-stress load on the body after time. If you go adding numerous intense cardio workouts in addition to this, overtraining is very likely.  So in that situation, steady-state workouts will be a smarter choice. On the other hand, interval training sessions are great for maximum weight loss.  This form of workout set-up is really going to help to boost your metabolic rate the greatest since it is so high intensity in nature.

2 Elliptical Workout Plan For Beginners & Regular Weightlifters

Steady State Elliptical Workout Plan

This one is appropriate for beginners and should be performed on the off days from your weight lifting workout, 2-3 times per week.

Interval Training Elliptical Workout Plan

This workout is the more advanced form of workout and great for those who want to crank their weight loss into high gear.  Remember that you also should be performing these on the days off from any weight lifting and making sure that you’re still getting at least one full day of rest for recovery each week.

Do you want to start your Elliptical Classes?

We have everything in place for everyone, our gym is sanitised after every session. For those not ready or uncomfortable coming to classes in person we have an online workout program to View Here

Reachout to our team and learn more about the elliptical training classes HERE!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

How to lose belly fat with Elliptical Workouts?

When individuals consume more calories than their bodies require, the excess energy is stored in their bodies as fat. As one might expect, therefore, belly fat is often associated with the usual weight gain culprits: an unhealthy diet and too little exercise. The scientific evidence is clear: Eating well and exercising often can help keep belly fat at bay. 

Belly fat may also result from more complicated causes. Lifestyle factors, such as stress and alcohol consumption, can contribute to flab in the stomach area. Most importantly, genetics play a significant role in an individual’s propensity to develop belly fat. For some of us, any weight gain is likely to show up in our midsections, as opposed to elsewhere on our bodies.  

Why is Necessary to Use the Handles to Engage Your Full Body in Elliptical Workout?

Among cardio machines, the elliptical is distinguished by its full-body benefits: When you use its handles and pedals simultaneously, you’re engaging multiple muscle groups. From your quads to your back and core, most of your body gets involved. Because losing belly fat is about burning calories, it’s great to have all those areas of your body actively using energy.

However, some elliptical users don’t actively use the handles, allowing their legs to drive all the movement. To get your whole body involved, it’s best to engage your core and push and pull on the handles. While the pedals will still be the main driver of your motion, you’ll be getting your upper body in the mix.

Long-Term Weight Loss: Banishing Belly Fat With an Elliptical

We hope the evidence and suggestions we’ve provided thus far will guide your fitness journey, helping you use an elliptical to burn through belly fat. There’s one final elliptical advantage worth mentioning: As a sustainable fitness solution, the elliptical can help you keep weight off for the foreseeable future. 

As a low-impact exercise option, the elliptical is perfect for those who hope to lose belly weight for the long term. Relative to other cardio options, you’re far less likely to get injured – and the wide variety of incline and resistance settings can keep things challenging for years to come. As you grow older, your joints will thank you for sparing them from repeated impact. Another barrier to keeping off belly fat is an inconvenience: Traveling to the gym can be unappealing and time-consuming. That’s why we make it easy to bring the perfect workout machine into your own home. Our expert reviews help you pick a great elliptical at any price point, so you never need to leave home to get a fat-busting workout. We’ll help you maintain a healthy weight, while also gaining so many other fitness benefits.

Best tips to lose belly fat on an elliptical machine.

Fat isn’t burned in a particular area when you exercise. A great regimen to follow if you want rock-hard abs is to keep your cardio on your elliptical machine consistent, control your portions at mealtime, and incorporate strength training including abdominal exercises so when you do burn off that layer of fat covering the six-pack we all have hiding down there, it’s more defined.

The elliptical workout results all depend on how much effort you put in. The key is to achieve a caloric deficit. One pound of fat translates to approximately 3,500 calories. Depending on your weight, a typical elliptical session burns between 200-400 calories. When balanced with controlled nutrition, an elliptical can be highly effective in weight loss. To increase your bio-tracking capability, consider using a fitness watch to more effectively estimate calorie burn throughout the day.

Best Elliptical Workout Classes at Club Sweat - Join Now

Are you trying to lose weight and have fun at the same time? If so, elliptical workout training is one of the best things you can use to help you achieve this goal. Offering a full-body workout that also helps to increase cardiovascular endurance, elliptical training is a low-impact option that can be used physically at our studios and also from home to assist with weight loss. Reach out to our team here to Book a Session!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

5 Major Benefits of Elliptical workouts to strengthen your whole body - Club Sweat

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Elliptical workouts are not any different than cardio exercises, like running, walking, and biking, in that they are all aerobic exercises. The biggest difference you can make is how the elliptical targets the body for example when you run or walk, your lower body is primarily at work. Elliptical training works with both parts like the lower and upper body. It typically targets the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and anterior tibialis. The momentum helps your thigh move backward during the gliding motion, it will help you feel your glutes and hamstrings. Also, it will shake your quadriceps and get worked when your leg is moving forward. The calves and tibialis contract to stabilize the lower legs. Your core muscles are used to keep the body balanced and aligned. We have listed down the five major benefits of adding elliptical workouts to your daily life.

1. Benefits of elliptical exercise to boosts your stamina and cardio capacity

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, is a key part of a balanced exercise routine. When you do aerobic exercise, your heart and lungs need to work harder to provide your muscles with more blood and oxygen. The elliptical machine allows you to get a good aerobic workout, which can strengthen your heart, lungs, and muscles. This, in turn, can help build your stamina and endurance. On an elliptical machine, you can perform both high-intensity interval training and steady-state cardio workouts.

2. Do you know the elliptical training classes helps to burn a lot of calories

If you’re looking for a way to crush your calorie burn in a short amount of time, jump on the elliptical. Depending on how much you weigh, this cardio machine can burn about 270–400 calories in 30 minutes. Burning more calories than you consume can help you lose weight. To boost your calorie burn, consider increasing the intensity of your elliptical workouts.

3. How the Elliptical workout puts less stress on your joints

When the elliptical hit the cardio machine scene runner’s achy joints and overuse injuries rejoiced at the thought of being able to train their cardiovascular system while relieving some of the pressure on their joints. Your knees, ankles, hips, and other joints can take a beating when running or doing other high-impact cardio exercises. Since your feet never lift off of the pedals with an elliptical, this machine offers a low-impact cardio workout.

4. Elliptical workout serves as both an upper and lower body together

An elliptical machine with handles is one of the few cardio machines that can provide you with both an upper and lower body workout. The key to maximizing its upper body benefits is to distribute your weight and resistance evenly. In other words, pump your arms just as fast as you’re moving your legs. When done correctly, the elliptical can target your glutes, hamstrings, quads, chest, back, biceps, triceps, and core muscles.

5. Elliptical training helps to burn body fat

Given that the calorie burn associated with an elliptical is higher than that of some other cardio machines like the stationary bike, it can help you lose body fat in a shorter amount of time. To maximize fat burning, try to focus on the intensity and duration of your workouts. One study found that while both high and medium-intensity workouts helped with fat loss, high-intensity intervals allowed you to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time.

The elliptical workout is significantly less weight-bearing than other cardio exercises like running, jogging, and similar workouts. In other words, with an elliptical, you can continue training without the wear and tear that comes with high-impact exercise.

  • Do you want to know about the best elliptical workout classes online for weight loss?

If you want to get your body in shape, lose weight and stay healthy you should consider elliptical workout exercises in your daily activities. Join the Best Elliptical Classes at Club Sweat Today! Greenwich or Westport

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Elliptical Laura Sabia Elliptical Laura Sabia

5 Benefits of Elliptical Workouts

It all begins with an idea.

Elliptical workouts are all the talk in the fitness industry. Whether you are looking to incorporate a new workout routine into your fitness regime or don’t know where to start when beginning a new workout journey, the elliptical is the best machine to use for long-lasting results. We rounded out the top 5 benefits of an elliptical workout below. 

1. Helps improve cardiovascular health, strongest cardio-focused exercise

An elliptical workout is the ultimate cardio-based form of exercise. It focuses on working your heart and lungs harder than the treadmill, bike, or stair climber. Burning up to 750  calories in 45 minutes boosts your stamina, strengthens your upper and lower body muscles burn body fat and improve balance.  

2. A full-body workout.  

It works out your whole body, not just your legs like other cardio exercises. Throughout an elliptical-based fitness class, almost all major muscle groups are targeted while strengthening coordination and muscle endurance.  

3. Suitable for all ages and every body type.  

Ellipticals are completely versatile for all that use them. No matter your shape or size, it will leave you feeling strong and give you results to lose your desired weight in a safe,  effective atmosphere. It is also a great machine to use for those recovering more injury or those just looking to incorporate more cardio into their fitness routines.

 4. Strengthens and targets weaker leg muscles 

One of the biggest perks of an elliptical workout is it targets different muscles in your legs. Specifically, your quadriceps and hamstrings, you can tone these muscle groups by using a variety of pedal strokes while going backward or forwards throughout the duration of the workout. 

5. Aids healthier bone density  

Bones in our body get weaker as we age making it crucial to work on strengthening our bones. An elliptical workout will increase musculoskeletal health with the constant weight being put on your muscles and bones. When your muscles pull on the bones from movement, it makes them creates more bone mass and allows for cells to grow. This can help prevent brittle bones as well as bone and joint disease.

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