Why you should consider elliptical training as your plan for healthy & fit life

Let’s take some time right now to go over what benefits there are to using an elliptical trainer as well as help you sort out a few elliptical workout plans that you can add to your usual weight loss plan. As you get started on your weight loss journey, one thing that you’ll definitely want to spend some time getting into place is a solid elliptical workout plan.  The Elliptical machine is one of the best forms of cardio you could be doing for a variety of reasons, so if you have yet to give it a try, it may be time to shift your usual workouts over to see what it has to offer.

For those who are also at a heavier weight right now, you’ll find that the elliptical trainer is much more comfortable to use since it doesn’t have the up and down motion that running does, which just has that weight coming down on your body with each step you take.

Main Reasons Why You Should Try to Use An Elliptical Trainer?

Elliptical trainers are one of the relatively new forms of cardio equipment to hit the relation as back in the days like the treadmill and bike were your only two options. With this, people everywhere are welcoming the change to their sessions after experiencing positive results.

Perhaps the single most attractive feature of using the elliptical trainer is the fact that it’s a very low-impact workout.  If you’re always running on the treadmill, all of this pounding can really build up over time and lead you to suffer from knee, back, or hip pain. Those who are already in pain no doubt felt some restriction as they went about their workouts and this could have caused them to put in less effort than they should.

Focus on the Upper And Lower Body Workout

The second reason why you should consider adding an elliptical workout plan into your overall routine is that it’s going to provide both an upper and lower body workout at the same time.  With running or cycling, you’re predominantly only going to be working the lower body, so it’s not nearly as effective.

You’ll also be working against a higher resistance level when using the elliptical, which can prove to provide strong benefits as well. If you’re someone who isn’t performing weight lifting workouts in addition to your elliptical sessions, this definitely will prove to be an advantage.

With running or cycling, you may develop more muscle tone in your lower body, but very often the upper body will still stay soft and undefined.

High-Calorie Burns at all time

The next reason to integrate an elliptical workout plan into your weight loss routine is simply that it will burn so many calories. Sessions performed on this machine can easily burn 300-400 calories per 30 minutes, so if you go for an hour straight, that’s enough of a daily deficit to create at least one pound of fat loss per week.

This is partly because, unlike the treadmill or bike you are only working the lower body, while the elliptical work pretty much every muscle group in the body in its entirety. This definitely enhances the rate of weight loss you’re going to experience and may mean you don’t have to be quite as strict on your diet to see your desired rate of fat loss take place. Because it is working the upper body as well, you’ll get your heart rate up higher more easily when using the elliptical, which is also critical for improving your cardiovascular fitness.

Consistency In Your Workout Routine

Steady-state sessions are going to be great for beginners who are just starting out and at a slightly lower overall fitness level. Interval training is a very intense form of workout and for these beginners will likely be just a bit too much for them to handle. 

Also, the steady-state workout sessions are also a good idea for those who are performing several weightlifting workouts each week as well, as they can really come to place a high-stress load on the body after time. If you go adding numerous intense cardio workouts in addition to this, overtraining is very likely.  So in that situation, steady-state workouts will be a smarter choice. On the other hand, interval training sessions are great for maximum weight loss.  This form of workout set-up is really going to help to boost your metabolic rate the greatest since it is so high intensity in nature.

2 Elliptical Workout Plan For Beginners & Regular Weightlifters

Steady State Elliptical Workout Plan

This one is appropriate for beginners and should be performed on the off days from your weight lifting workout, 2-3 times per week.

Interval Training Elliptical Workout Plan

This workout is the more advanced form of workout and great for those who want to crank their weight loss into high gear.  Remember that you also should be performing these on the days off from any weight lifting and making sure that you’re still getting at least one full day of rest for recovery each week.

Do you want to start your Elliptical Classes?

We have everything in place for everyone, our gym is sanitised after every session. For those not ready or uncomfortable coming to classes in person we have an online workout program to View Here

Reachout to our team and learn more about the elliptical training classes HERE!


How to enroll for Online Workout programs


Beginners guide to elliptical workouts