5 Benefits of Elliptical Workouts

Elliptical workouts are all the talk in the fitness industry. Whether you are looking to incorporate a new workout routine into your fitness regime or don’t know where to start when beginning a new workout journey, the elliptical is the best machine to use for long-lasting results. We rounded out the top 5 benefits of an elliptical workout below. 

1. Helps improve cardiovascular health, strongest cardio-focused exercise

An elliptical workout is the ultimate cardio-based form of exercise. It focuses on working your heart and lungs harder than the treadmill, bike, or stair climber. Burning up to 750  calories in 45 minutes boosts your stamina, strengthens your upper and lower body muscles burn body fat and improve balance.  

2. A full-body workout.  

It works out your whole body, not just your legs like other cardio exercises. Throughout an elliptical-based fitness class, almost all major muscle groups are targeted while strengthening coordination and muscle endurance.  

3. Suitable for all ages and every body type.  

Ellipticals are completely versatile for all that use them. No matter your shape or size, it will leave you feeling strong and give you results to lose your desired weight in a safe,  effective atmosphere. It is also a great machine to use for those recovering more injury or those just looking to incorporate more cardio into their fitness routines.

 4. Strengthens and targets weaker leg muscles 

One of the biggest perks of an elliptical workout is it targets different muscles in your legs. Specifically, your quadriceps and hamstrings, you can tone these muscle groups by using a variety of pedal strokes while going backward or forwards throughout the duration of the workout. 

5. Aids healthier bone density  

Bones in our body get weaker as we age making it crucial to work on strengthening our bones. An elliptical workout will increase musculoskeletal health with the constant weight being put on your muscles and bones. When your muscles pull on the bones from movement, it makes them creates more bone mass and allows for cells to grow. This can help prevent brittle bones as well as bone and joint disease.


5 Major Benefits of Elliptical workouts to strengthen your whole body - Club Sweat