Why do you need to start the elliptical workout in 2022?

In this period of COVID and enormous health affecting viruses are everywhere, we all need to make our health a priority. You need to make sure that you start healthy and right with joining workout programs at a studio or from the comfort of your home. The elliptical machine allows you to get a good aerobic workout, which can strengthen your heart, lungs, and muscles. This, in turn, can help build your stamina and endurance. On an elliptical machine, you can perform both high-intensity interval training and steady-state cardio workouts.

Determining the Length and Frequency of Your Elliptical Classes

If you’re completely new to cardio, the expression “the more, the merrier” doesn’t necessarily apply. “A lot of beginners start out extreme, and then they get hurt, can’t move, and then quit,”. 

For that same reason, it is highly recommended that those who have a completely sedentary lifestyle start off by using the elliptical machine for 10 minutes a day, three times a week, and slowly work their way up to 30-minute workouts, five times a week. Once you create that routine, you'll meet the American Heart Association's recommendation to get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, “Some movement is better than no movement, and everyone’s beginner fitness level will be unique to them,”. Start with what feels attainable for you and then gradually start to challenge yourself as the weeks go by and it starts to become too easy.

How to Start Incorporating Resistance in your Elliptical Workout

If you’re using an elliptical machine that allows you to increase both incline *and* resistance, It is recommended to hold off on adjusting resistance until you’re comfortable exercising for 20 to 30 minutes at a conversational pace, as this setting requires a bit more endurance. Once you’re ready to start incorporating resistance into your elliptical routine, dedicate one workout each week to adjusting only the resistance and follow the same expert guidelines as you would when changing the incline. And by switching up the resistance, you’ll see a few small gains in the muscle department: “The more resistance you have, the harder your body’s working and the more muscles you’re using,”.

When you do adjust the resistance, find a setting that makes you feel in control of the elliptical machine, rather than the machine’s in control of you. You should have enough resistance that you don’t feel like you’re pedalling at 200 miles an hour, but you shouldn’t have too much that you can barely move. 

Once you can hold that steady pace for 10 to 15 minutes, it’s time to incorporate intervals into your elliptical workout for beginners. Doing so will provide some much-needed mental variety and help you improve your aerobic capacity and burn more calories. Start your workout out with a 5-minute warm-up, which will help lubricate the joints and increase blood flow to your muscles. Then bump your RPE up to a 6 or 7 (you should feel just winded for 2 minutes, suggested by fitness experts.

“Recovery is important for your body to reset,”. “You’ll bring your heart rate back down and bring your breathing under control so you can up that work effort again.” When you’re just starting out with your elliptical workout for beginners, your work-to-rest ratio shouldn’t dip below 1:1—so if you’re pushing hard for 2 minutes, take at least 2 minutes to let your body recover. If you skip this rest period or make it shorter, you could create extra stress on the body, possibly causing injury or stress to the heart. “It’s just safer to do [a 1:1 ratio] for a beginner.” 

Once you’ve recovered a bit, repeat this interval cycle as many times as you’d like. Then, follow up with a 5-minute cool down. (And if you love this type of interval training, you'll definitely want to add these workouts to the to-do list.)

Do you want to start your elliptical workout training?

I know a lot of you are concerned about going out for a workout. We have everything in place for everyone, our whole gym is sanitised after every session and still you don’t feel safe. We have an online workout program to View Here. Just start your new year healthy by joining us. 

Reach out to our team and know more about the elliptical training classes HERE!


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