Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Nutrition Goals on the Go

Learn essential tips for eating healthy while on vacation, including meal planning, hydration strategies, and easy recipes to prepare for your return.

Vacation season is in full swing in August, but that doesn’t mean that our nutrition goals have to stay behind at home! 

We want to find a balance of finding enjoyment in what we eat, while also consuming foods that nourish and fuel our bodies to complete our desired activities.

While away from home, we are away from a kitchen; therefore, many, if not all, meals are eaten out at restaurants. Given this reality, my tips featured in April’s issue for eating out at restaurants are certainly applicable. 

1. Don’t “save up” for a night out

2. Make your meal balanced

3. Eat seasonally

4. Take advantage of leftovers

5. Practice mindfulness at your meal

Tips that are more unique to vacationing: 

1. Make reservations ahead of time – Set a concrete plan of when you will eat at least one of your meals. This will help to plan the remainder of your meals, while mitigating the amounts of times that you reach a point of starvation. This will help with maintaining mindful eating practices.

2. Check out the menu ahead of time – Since you are booking your reservation ahead of time, you can take that moment to look at the menu and plan how to make a complete, balanced meal based on the menu offerings!

3. Pack your snacks – Traveling with snacks is always a great idea. You never know if there will be a transportation related delay or if your planned excursion exhausted you out and you are hungrier than anticipated! Packing items like mixed nuts, beef jerky, peanut butter and crackers, a protein bar, or even fruit that doesn’t require refrigeration can help tide you over for your next meal – and keep the happy vacation mood lifted!

4. Stay hydrated – The act of traveling; whether by train, plane, or automobile, is taxing and often leaves individuals dehydrated. Packing your favorite reusable water bottle is a great way to ensure you have water readily available and it also serves as a method of measuring the amount of water consumed. If you are unsure about the water quality in your destination, I recommend traveling with a water bottle that has a filter!

5. Plan for your return – What’s the worst part of vacation? Coming back to reality, but by planning ahead and making these super easy egg bites, you have a high protein first meal covered! In addition to prepping your return meal, I also recommend prepping your grocery list. An easy way is, as you are cleaning out your refrigerator, write out your list.

Egg Bites

- Preheat oven at 400º

- Place chopped seasonal vegetables in a large muffin pan

August vegetables: bell peppers, chopped broccoli, leeks, mushrooms, summer squash, and tomatoes

- For meat lovers, you can also add sliced ham, bacon, or your favorite breakfast meat

- Add desired shredded cheese, like mozzarella or feta cheese, into the muffin pan

- In a separate bowl, combine one whole egg or the whites of 2 eggs, a splash of milk & stir

this is done per each egg bite!

- Combine egg white mixture into the muffin pan

- Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden

- Let egg bites cool and place in freezer safe container to have ready for when you return home!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Say Farewell to Dieting and Hello to a Healthy Lifestyle

With a crazy new diet being introduced every five minutes, it can feel overwhelming to determine what is actually the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  

To preface, we want to ensure that nutrition information is coming from a reputable source. Registered dietitians are the experts in nutrition and are trained to use evidence-based practice when caring for patients and clients.

Through my current education to become a registered dietitian, I have found several tools to help patients find success in meeting their goals.

It might be surprising to hear, but there is no such thing as “good foods” or “bad foods.” Yes, some foods might provide a higher concentration of nutrients, but shifting away from the mentality that one type of food is “better” than another can prevent the feeling that certain foods are meant to be avoided. 

All foods can truly fit into a healthy lifestyle, and recognizing this can help improve one’s relationship with food. To embrace the “all foods fit” mentality, it is important to ask when preparing a meal or a snack, ‘what can I add to this to make me feel fuller longer?’ or ‘what can I add to this to make it more nutritious?’

When asking these questions, we are permitting ourselves to enjoy a food that we might be craving by incorporating it into a balanced meal, leaving us satisfied.

A staple to many of my meals, pasta, is too often referred to as “bad food.” Instead of avoiding pasta altogether, we can ask – ‘what can be added to make this a complete meal?’

When defining the components of a complete meal, a grain, protein source, and fruits or vegetables should be included. 

Grains provide us with carbohydrates, which although often feared, are vital as it is the brain’s preferred source of energy. Grains, like pasta, also tend to be a good source of B vitamins.

Next, we want to think of a protein source that would pair well. Protein and dietary fat actually stay in the stomach longer, this allows us to feel fuller for a longer period of time. This addition makes a meal more satisfying and might prevent the consumption of unnecessary calories later on in the day. 

Finally, adding fruits or vegetables can provide added volume and fiber, further contributing to our satiety while promoting gut health. Fruits and vegetables are wonderful sources of micronutrients, and incorporating fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors can provide a larger array of health benefits. 

When composing a meal this way, we allow ourselves to enjoy the pasta, while incorporating different macro- and micronutrients into our meal, and leaving us fuller for longer. 


4 oz. of spaghetti

2 medium spiralized zucchinis (‘zoodles’)

1 cup of cherry tomato

1 pound of shrimp, peeled and deveined

2-3 cloves of garlic

Red pepper flakes

2 tablespoons of olive oil

Black pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 450º. Season shrimp with black pepper and red pepper flakes. Place seasoned shrimp on grill pan, baste with garlic-olive oil. Cook shrimp for ~3 minutes on each side, basting before flipping.

2. In a large skillet over medium heat, combine one tablespoon of olive oil, 2-3 cloves of garlic, a small pinch of red pepper, and 1 cup of halved cherry tomatoes. Let simmer.

3. Salt pasta water before boiling. Cook spaghetti according to the package.

4. While pasta is cooking, prepare zucchini into a spiralized fashion. (These can be purchased pre-spiralized for a more time-efficient method.)

5. Reserve a ¼ cup of pasta water when draining the pasta. Evenly distribute the pasta and the zoodles in the large skillet with tomato mixture and one tablespoon of olive oil, allowing the zucchini to be warmed. Add reserved pasta water as needed.

6. Divide pasta mixture into servings, and top with grilled shrimp. Enjoy!

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