Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

How to Fuel your New Workout - Tips from local registered dietitian Dr. Cece Reeder

With new fitness routines from New Year’s resolutions, adapting your nutrition is crucial for sustained performance. Dr. Kelsey Reeder answers common questions about performance nutrition, including the importance of pre- and post-workout meals, protein intake, and the role of supplements.

Article by Dr. Cece Reeder

With new fitness routines established from New Year’s resolutions, it is important to ensure that adaptations in nutrition are made to sustain performance. This month, I’m answering the most commonly asked questions pertaining to performance nutrition.

Should I eat before working out?

It is important to fuel our bodies prior to exercising, ideally eating within 1-4 hours leading up to the exercise. For those that are early morning exercisers, this is especially important to consider since the last time your body was fueled was likely 8 or more hours before hand. Overnight, our body is relying on the food we consumed at dinner to keep our body functioning, so when we wake up, our energy stores are low. These energy stores that are being used overnight are the storage form of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, despite their terrible publicity, are essential for life and to fuel our exercise routines.

Some of the bad press associated with carbohydrates is that it provides us with “quick energy.” This same reason why many people are fearful of carbs is why they are beneficial for exercise - the quick breakdown allows us to to have energy readily available to continue on with exercise. Research suggests that those that consume a diet lower in carbohydrates actually may experience lactic acid production (aka that “burning” sensation) earlier in exercise, which tends to prohibit individuals from lasting longer. 

Because of the benefits of carbohydrates, it is recommended to consume carbs before exercising. It’s a common misconception that protein is needed prior to exercise; however, consuming protein or dietary fats beforehand does not lend to improved outcomes; rather, consumption of these two macronutrients can create gastrointestinal distress during movement. 

Short answer: Yes! Especially carbs! 

What is the best timing to eat after exercising?

Exercise depletes the body of energy, so we want to ensure that we are refueling properly. Replenishing the body of carbohydrates and protein thirty minutes to an hour after exercise is associated with the most benefits in muscle recovery. This is not to say that waiting to eat past the hour post-exercise mark is “bad;” however, it is not as optimal for our body. 

Short answer: Carbs and protein within 30 minutes to an hour after exercise. 

How many grams of protein should I be consuming per day?

Frankly speaking, some of the growing trends on social media providing advice of protein needs is frightening. Not only are some of the recommendations near impossible to meet, but they fail to provide an individual approach; meaning, they do not consider an individual’s medical history, physical activity, or personal goals. Further, the majority of protein recommendations are far too high, which can cause an array of health consequences. A good rule of thumb for generalized protein recommendations includes making a quarter of your plate at mealtime a source of protein. For more personalized information, consult a qualified health professional. 

Short answer: Protein recommendations should be personalized and most individuals are likely meeting protein needs with their existing diet. 

What supplements should I be taking to improve my performance?

It seems like every so often a new supplement garners the attention and affection of the population. Supplements can be beneficial; however, it is also based on an individual. Some factors that dietitians consider before recommending supplements includes: an individual’s overall diet, lab work, medication, and other regularly consumed supplements and herbs.  Instead of relying on a friend or celebrity for supplement advice, remind yourself that your individual needs and lifestyle is not the exact same, and what is best for one person, may not be best for you. 

Short answer: Be weary of attractive marketing for supplements, they may not always be necessary. 

Nutrition can enhance your fitness routine, and maintaining the mindset that nutrition is a personalized science and food is fuel can help ensure that you are making the most of your next workout!

Dr. Kelsey “Cece” Reeder, DCN, RD is a clinical and private practice registered dietitian in Fairfield County. Dr. Cece is now accepting new patients! Email for any inquiries.

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Registered Dietitian Vs. Nutritionist: Understanding the difference - Featuring Dr. Kelsey Reeder, DCN, RD, CDN

Discover the truth behind common nutrition myths and learn about the vital role of a registered dietitian. Dr. Kelsey Reeder shares her expert insights on individualized nutrition, the importance of a “Food First” approach, and how to make healthier food choices.

GL: What is a common misconception people have about the nutrition industry? 
CR: The biggest misconception of the health and nutrition industry is that there is a “magic bullet” solution; when in reality, there is no one specific answer as nutrition requires an individualized approach. Other misconceptions exist amongst claims of certain foods. Somehow, we have gotten to a point where there is a belief that fruit is too high in sugar, coconut oil is superior, and would rather swallow a pill to get nutrients than eat food. The reality is, fruit is a healthy option that provides essential nutrients and sugar that our brain needs to function. Coconut oil is not the best choice of oil – it is actually high in saturated fat (the “bad fat”) and is comparable to lard. Most are shocked I am not a fan of general and frequent consumption of nutrition supplements. For some individuals, supplements are necessary and I would endorse the recommendation for a specific supplement. However, I prefer to take a “Food First” approach. Unless there is a physiological issue in absorption or a particular metabolic process, we should first try to increase a particular micronutrient by adding foods in that vitamin or mineral to our diet. For some nutrients, such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K, there are associated health consequences with taking excess amounts. This amount is difficult to reach from food alone, but without carefully considering supplement doses, along with an analysis of foods that are typically consumed, the excessive amount could be approached. For vitamins like B and C, we actually just excrete any excess through our urine – which is why sometimes people note that their urine is a different color when they take certain supplements! It is a sign that your body has enough to function. A great example of utilizing the “Food First” approach would be if someone came to me for help to improve his or her iron status, instead of starting by suggesting an iron supplement, I would provide interventions to see if increasing iron rich foods and foods with vitamin C (which assist with the absorption of iron), or maybe consuming these iron and vitamin C foods at a different time than foods rich in calcium (since calcium actually interferes with the absorption of iron). After a period of time adapting these changes, I’d look for indications of improvement in iron status and would make further adjustments accordingly.

GL: What is the difference between RD and nutritionist, what does a dietitian do?
CR: Registered dietitians (RD) are the food and nutrition experts. A RD utilizes evidenced based practices to provide individualized, medical nutrition therapy. All RDs are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are registered dietitians. The biggest differentiating factor is education. To become a dietitian, courses such as organic chemistry, pathophysiology, food science, medical nutrition therapy, and counseling must be taken; this is followed by a minimum of 1,000 supervised practice hours to permit eligibility to sit for the national board exam. Starting in 2024, a minimum of a Master’s degree will be required for exam eligibility.

GL: What is your area of interest in this field?
CR: My focus is in sports and performance nutrition. I grew up as a dancer and currently work as a group fitness instructor which helped develop my passion for this area of nutrition. I have an affinity to the philosophies of intuitive and mindful eating, as well as helping individuals improve their relationships with food, which actually ties to sports and performance nutrition. Many people might be unaware of this term “performance nutrition”, but it is similar to sports nutrition in that it looks to help individuals improve their performance. This would be appropriate for adults who participate in endurance events and are looking to help improve their times, individuals that frequently attend group fitness classes, or even those who are just starting out on a fitness routine. The populations that benefit from sports and performance nutrition guidance are, unfortunately, oftentimes the population that is being provided false nutrition information; which is all the more reason why I love working in this area.

GL: Many health professionals, such as yourself have recently discussed the “anti-diet” mentality, what does that mean? 

CR: I certainly have adapted an “anti-diet” mentality given that research continues to prove that diets are not effective in achieving weight loss and even indicate that dieting is associated with weight gain. My advice can simply be broken down to the fact that all foods fit! It’s interesting, we love to personify foods as being “good” or “bad,” but at the end of the day, it is just food. Food has no emotion, no personality, it’s just an item. Sure, some foods might have more added sugar, but if that food is a slice of cake to celebrate a birthday, it isn’t necessarily the healthiest decision for us to opt out on that piece of cake! That one small piece of
cake is not as unhealthy as depriving yourself from it. Not only are you diminishing the joy and the community aspect that is associated with this, but you are also not satisfying the craving and desire for that piece of cake – ultimately leading you to seek it out later.

GL: What are some popular healthy alternatives for common foods?
CR: Fortunately, there are some great products on the market! Rather than rattling a list of products, here are my three tips when looking to make a healthy choice:
1. Look to build a complete meal or snack – that means adding a carbohydrate, protein, with fruits and/or vegetables.
2. Look at the nutrition label rather than relying on the marketing to be your guide.
3. Ensure that you actually like the food! A food with great ingredients is only good if you enjoy it.

GL: Oftentimes, what advice do you have for people when trying to figure out the health industry and finding what works best for them?
CR: Marketing in the food industry can be misleading, with added misinformation from untrained individuals speaking on products and diets through various platforms – it is a recipe for failure. Instead of helping people create the body they want to see, I try to help people feel comfortable in their own skin and help them create a body that feels best for them! My advice would be to:

Find joyful movement –exercise should be something that you look forward to doing! Now, this certainly may take time if it has been a while since starting with a fitness routine, or if you are seeking something new; however, this is a way for you to take time for yourself and celebrate what your body can do!
 Seek out advice from a registered dietitian! We are trained to be the food and nutrition experts and work to provide an individualized approach to help you achieve your goals.
 Don’t worry about the number on the scale. It is just a number and does not take into consideration your ratio of lean muscle mass to fat. That common adage, muscle weighs more than fat, has truth to it. Muscle is denser than fat so one pound of muscle is going to be more condensed than one pound of fat. Because of this, if you are starting a new fitness routine and are building muscle, you are actually going to start to see an increase in your weight first because you are building muscle. This number can also fluctuate day to day just based on water retention, so it isn’t always reliable.
 Reduce stress – stressing about the number on the scale or stressing about not losing weight as fast as you had hoped is just going to impede you on this journey. Give yourself time and remind yourself that going about this journey the correct way (i.e. without fad diets, medically unnecessary medications, etc.) will help provide the most long-term success. Think about it this way, the faster you lose the weight, the faster you are likely to gain it back. However, with making proper changes, the weight loss is likely to be a slower process, and you will see more sustainability.

As we enter "comfort food season," this can be a challenging time for many people; it is a high stress time with many seasonal treats that are readily available. The most general pieces of advice would be to find ways to manage stress and focus on nutrition by

1. Stress Management: During stressful periods, it is common that our relationships with food start to change. This might mean we start to seek food for comfort or our appetite is suppressed and we start to skip meals. Both of these changes disrupt our ability to listen to our hunger cues, eat intuitively, and make the choices that would support our bodies the best. To prevent disrupting our eating patterns, I recommend finding an activity that aids in stress reduction. This could incorporate joyful movement, breathing exercises, or listening to meditation clips on apps such as Calm.
2. Nutrition by Addition: Instead of feeling the need to restrict and not
allow yourself to enjoy the foods that are available during the holidays, ask yourself – what can I add to make this a more filling option? For instance, if you are craving that slice of pumpkin bread, allow yourself to have it, but consider pairing it with protein. This
addition will allow you to feel fuller for longer, help you satisfy your craving, and can potentially prevent you from “overdoing it” with the pumpkin bread!

Dr. Kelsey Reeder, DCN, RD, CDN holds a doctorate in clinical nutrition from Fairfield University and is a certified registered dietitian here in Connecticut.

Kelsey, known to many as Cece, works closely with clients to help achieve individual related goals pertaining to performance nutrition, improving relationships with food, and more!

Cece is currently the in-house dietitian at Club Sweat Westport. Scan the QR code to book your in-person or virtual appointment with her.

Registered dietitians (RD) are the food and nutrition experts. A RD utilizesevidenced based practices to provide individualized, medical nutritiontherapy. All RDs are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are registereddietitians.

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Your New Delectable Summer Salad - One local Doctorate Student in Clinical Nutrition shares her healthy salad recipe of the season

Learn how to build a nutritious and satisfying salad using chickpeas, buckwheat, and fresh vegetables. Follow our easy recipe for a healthy meal.

When building a salad, especially when looking to enjoy a salad as a meal, we want to ensure that we are providing our body with all of the necessary components of a meal. To build a salad, I like to first pick out my whole grain and protein source. In this salad, I’m combining my whole grain, buckwheat, with chickpeas to create a complete protein. I begin to think of what base and vegetables I can combine to provide an enjoyable texture and flavor to the salad. To top it off, I like to incorporate a dressing to make the salad more unique and serve as a source of healthy dietary fat.

Approximately 2-4 servings


- 1 can chickpeas

- 1-2 tsp. garlic powder

- Black pepper to taste

- 1 cup buckwheat

- 1 tbsp. red wine vinegar

- 2 tbsp. Garlic pesto

- 1 lemon

- 1 cucumber

- 1 tomato

- 1 carrot (shredded)

- 1 bunch of kale

- 1 bunch of Swiss chard

- 1 bunch of scallions


1. Preheat oven to 450º

2. Drain chickpeas and place on an aluminum foil-lined sheet pan

3. Lightly dress the chickpeas with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic powder and black pepper to taste

4. Roast chickpeas in the oven for approximately 20 minutes

5. Start to cook buckwheat: boil 2 parts water to 1 part buckwheat; once water is boiling, add buckwheat to the pot. Cover the pot and let simmer for 20 minutes (or follow package directions)

6. Wash and prepare produce for salad (chop kale and Swiss chard for the base; slice cucumbers, tomatoes, and scallions; shred carrots)

*tip: massage kale with lemon juice overnight to make the kale less bitter

7. Prepare pesto lemon vinaigrette dressing: 1 part red wine vinegar to 2 parts pesto + lemon juice to taste

8. Combine ingredients in a large bowl, drizzle on the pesto lemon vinaigrette

9. Mix, serve, and enjoy!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

The Most Important Meal of the Day - The Benefits of Eating Breakfast

Learn about the benefits of incorporating muesli into your breakfast routine and explore a simple homemade muesli recipe.

Breakfast is deemed as ‘the most important meal of the day’ for a reason! Current evidence states that those who start their day off with breakfast consume a more nutritious diet, and are found to be at a decreased risk for chronic diseases.  

Our brain function relies on carbohydrates, and when we sleep – our body relies on our storage form of carbohydrates to sustain us throughout the night. However, by the time we wake up, that supply is limited, and our body requires that we ‘break the fast’ that we were in while asleep. Prolonging this fast until midday limits the brain’s function and ability to work at peak performance. Thus, breakfast helps prevent brain fog, allowing a more decisive and better decision making.

Research suggests that starting the day off with a balanced meal allows for better decision making in food choices, and may even prevent feelings of uncontrolled craving for less nutritious foods later on in the day.   

A quick and easy addition to spruce up your breakfast: Muesli

What is muesli? Muesli is essentially unbaked granola! When preparing granola, a source of sugar, such as honey, must be used for the granola to cluster. Although granola is delicious and certainly a great option to include in moderation, swapping it out for muesli reduces the amount of added sugar included in your breakfast.

Muesli can be purchased at most grocery stores, but making your own muesli at home allows for customization! See my go-to muesli recipe below. The amount that I include for each ingredient typically varies depending on how long I want the muesli to last (depending on the ingredients included, it can be good for about 6 months in an airtight container, and even longer if stored in the refrigerator!) 

Muesli Recipe:

- 3.5 cups of rolled oats

- .25 cup of chia seeds

- .5 cup of sliced almonds or chopped walnuts

- .25 cup of sunflower seeds

- .5 cup of dried fruit (I usually circulate between raisins, dried cranberries, and/or chopped dates)

Ways to enjoy muesli:

Muesli is a great addition to breakfast; it is a source of whole grains because of the rolled oats, and the nuts contribute as a good source of dietary fat, so I typically try to add a protein source to it.

1. Enjoy as cereal! Combine muesli with milk and top with slices of bananas

2. Use it as a crunchy topping to your favorite yogurt

3. Turn it into overnight oats

4. Slice apples in circles, add your nutbutter of choice, and sprinkle with muesli 

Enjoy some foods that are in season this month!

Your March Produce Guide:

Apples, Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Citrus, Pineapple, Sweet Onions, Radishes

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Nutrition Goals on the Go

Learn essential tips for eating healthy while on vacation, including meal planning, hydration strategies, and easy recipes to prepare for your return.

Vacation season is in full swing in August, but that doesn’t mean that our nutrition goals have to stay behind at home! 

We want to find a balance of finding enjoyment in what we eat, while also consuming foods that nourish and fuel our bodies to complete our desired activities.

While away from home, we are away from a kitchen; therefore, many, if not all, meals are eaten out at restaurants. Given this reality, my tips featured in April’s issue for eating out at restaurants are certainly applicable. 

1. Don’t “save up” for a night out

2. Make your meal balanced

3. Eat seasonally

4. Take advantage of leftovers

5. Practice mindfulness at your meal

Tips that are more unique to vacationing: 

1. Make reservations ahead of time – Set a concrete plan of when you will eat at least one of your meals. This will help to plan the remainder of your meals, while mitigating the amounts of times that you reach a point of starvation. This will help with maintaining mindful eating practices.

2. Check out the menu ahead of time – Since you are booking your reservation ahead of time, you can take that moment to look at the menu and plan how to make a complete, balanced meal based on the menu offerings!

3. Pack your snacks – Traveling with snacks is always a great idea. You never know if there will be a transportation related delay or if your planned excursion exhausted you out and you are hungrier than anticipated! Packing items like mixed nuts, beef jerky, peanut butter and crackers, a protein bar, or even fruit that doesn’t require refrigeration can help tide you over for your next meal – and keep the happy vacation mood lifted!

4. Stay hydrated – The act of traveling; whether by train, plane, or automobile, is taxing and often leaves individuals dehydrated. Packing your favorite reusable water bottle is a great way to ensure you have water readily available and it also serves as a method of measuring the amount of water consumed. If you are unsure about the water quality in your destination, I recommend traveling with a water bottle that has a filter!

5. Plan for your return – What’s the worst part of vacation? Coming back to reality, but by planning ahead and making these super easy egg bites, you have a high protein first meal covered! In addition to prepping your return meal, I also recommend prepping your grocery list. An easy way is, as you are cleaning out your refrigerator, write out your list.

Egg Bites

- Preheat oven at 400º

- Place chopped seasonal vegetables in a large muffin pan

August vegetables: bell peppers, chopped broccoli, leeks, mushrooms, summer squash, and tomatoes

- For meat lovers, you can also add sliced ham, bacon, or your favorite breakfast meat

- Add desired shredded cheese, like mozzarella or feta cheese, into the muffin pan

- In a separate bowl, combine one whole egg or the whites of 2 eggs, a splash of milk & stir

this is done per each egg bite!

- Combine egg white mixture into the muffin pan

- Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden

- Let egg bites cool and place in freezer safe container to have ready for when you return home!

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

Your Summer Food Tips + Our Local Farmers Market Guide

Dive into the vibrant world of Farmers’ Markets this summer, featuring fresh produce highlights and delightful seasonal recipes.

As we continue eating foods in season, summer is the perfect chance to explore what is available to us locally through attending Farmers’ Markets!

Farmers’ Markets are not only a fun activity to pass time and enjoy the summer sun, but it allows us to connect with the grower that sources the food we’re placing on our table, find seasonal produce, and is a way to obtain produce in a more environmentally sound manner than other methods.

Looking for a Farmers’ Market near you? Check out our Farmers’ Market Guide below!

Over the summer, we see a larger amount of produce available in season, I’ve included a highlight of some of the produce that is available and two seasonal recipes!

New Canaan

Lumber Yard Lot (near the train station)
244 Elm Street
New Canaan, CT 06840

Open every Saturday until November 18, 2023
10:00am to 2:00pm


Goodwives Shopping Center: 25 Old Kings Hwy N, Darien, CT 06820

Every Wednesday 10-3

Old Greenwich

38 West End Avenue Old Greenwich

Wednesday 2:30-6pm


Commuter Parking Lot: Arch Street and Horseneck Lane Greenwich, CT
Saturdays: 9:30 AM – 1 PM

July Produce:

Avocado, blueberries, corn, cucumbers, mango, strawberries, field greens, peas, citrus, pineapple, tomatoes, watermelon, zucchini

Smashed Bean Summer Tacos:

Tacos are an easy dinner idea that can allow for leftovers to be transformed into a taco salad


Quarter avocado, diced

Can of black beans

Grilled shrimp or chicken (optional)

1 tomato, diced

Half cup corn

Quarter red onion, diced

One lime

Sour cream

Small tortillas

Shredded cheese

  1. Drain and rinse black beans and add to a pot with half a cup of water. Place on medium heat and cover the pot for about ten minutes. Once beans are soft, reduce heat to low and stir beans and carefully smash the beans till they are smooth and thick in texture. Stir in half of the diced onion into the smashed beans

  2. While beans are cooking, prepare the salsa: combine the corn, tomatoes, and onions in a bowl; squeeze juice from half a lime and stir

  3. Warm tortillas and line with smashed beans. Add grilled shrimp or chicken if desired, avocado, salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese, and a squeeze of lime juice

Watermelon Salad:

This simple salad just requires that the ingredients are prepared and combined. It is the perfect side dish to add more fruits and vegetables to a meal and also allows for a fun way to enjoy some of these seasonal items!


Quarter of a watermelon, diced

One cucumber, chopped

Quarter red onion, diced

One cup of chickpeas

Third cup of feta cheese

Mint to taste

Lime juice from half a lime or to taste

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Laura Sabia Laura Sabia

The Importance of Warm-Up and Cool-Down in High-Intensity Training

Explore the importance of warm-up and cool-down routines in high-intensity training at Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut. Learn how these practices enhance performance, reduce injury risks, and aid muscle recovery for effective workouts.

At Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just beginning your fitness journey, understanding the importance of proper warm-up and cool-down routines is essential for maximizing your high-intensity training sessions. Let's explore why these practices are crucial and share some essential tips for preparing your body for exercise and aiding recovery afterward.

Why Warm-Up and Cool-Down Matter

Warm-Up: A proper warm-up gradually increases your heart rate and blood flow to muscles, preparing your body for the demands of high-intensity exercise. It helps to:

  • Improve performance by enhancing muscle efficiency.

  • Reduce the risk of injuries by increasing muscle elasticity.

  • Prepare your mind and body for the workout ahead.

Cool-Down: Cooling down allows your body to transition back to a resting state. It helps to:

  • Gradually reduce heart rate and breathing.

  • Prevent blood pooling in the muscles, which can cause dizziness or fainting.

  • Promote muscle recovery and flexibility through stretching.

Essential Warm-Up Tips

  1. Dynamic Stretching: Engage in movements that mimic the exercises you’ll be performing. Examples include leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists. Dynamic stretching increases range of motion and muscle temperature.

  2. Light Cardio: Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardiovascular activity like jogging or cycling. This helps to gradually elevate your heart rate.

  3. Specific Movements: Incorporate exercises specific to your workout. If you’re focusing on strength training, include bodyweight squats or push-ups to activate relevant muscles.

Essential Cool-Down Tips

  1. Gradual Slowdown: After your workout, gradually decrease the intensity with 5-10 minutes of light activity, such as walking or gentle cycling.

  2. Static Stretching: Focus on major muscle groups used during your workout. Hold each stretch for at least 15-30 seconds to improve flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness.

  3. Hydration and Nutrition: Replenish fluids and nutrients lost during exercise. Drink water and consider a balanced snack with protein and carbohydrates to aid muscle recovery.

Experience Club Sweat

At Club Sweat, our experienced coaches emphasize the importance of incorporating warm-up and cool-down routines into every high-intensity training session. By visiting our studio in Westport, Connecticut, you can benefit from personalized guidance and learn the best techniques to prepare your body for exercise and ensure effective recovery.

Stay Fit Anytime, Anywhere with Our Digital App

Can't make it to our Westport studio? No problem! Our Club Sweat digital app offers all the benefits of our expert-guided workouts, including comprehensive warm-up and cool-down routines, right from the comfort of your home or on the go. With access to a variety of classes and personalized programs, you can maintain your fitness regimen and receive the best expertise from our coaches anytime, anywhere.

Join Us Today

Ready to optimize your high-intensity training with proper warm-up and cool-down routines? Visit Club Sweat in Westport, Connecticut, and let our team help you achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively. Don’t forget to download our app to continue your fitness journey with us wherever you are.

At Club Sweat, we’re committed to your health and fitness. Join us and discover the benefits of a well-rounded workout routine!

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