How to stay fit during the Holidays?

The festive season is here. Your calendar is going to fill up with holiday recitals, parties, and potlucks. You need to make cookies, buy presents, and do all the other tasks somewhere in your hectic schedule. We’ve got you!

Here are some tips to stay fit during the Holidays:

We understand that you have a busy schedule and won't be able to get into the studios as regularly as you’d like. That just means that the workouts you are able to fit in are much more crucial. Put them in your calendar, then follow them. Prepare for them as though it's a crucial meeting (i.e., eat a healthy snack beforehand, get enough rest the night before and be on time). It's much better to engage in a couple sweat sessions every week and set yourself up for success with a workout regimen than to do nothing at all.

It’s best for your physical and mental health to squeeze in a fast workout here and there than to completely skip a day. Women's Health claims that even a quick workout will lengthen your life and reduce your chance of developing certain ailments. Go for a run or join us for a fast & quick exercise if you have some time! We’re introducing snackable 20 minute content in the new year on our digital app. 

When you are planning an exercise routine during the holidays, it might be challenging but it becomes slightly more challenging when you consider the holiday diet of champagne and sweets. We completely understand that this is the season to indulge, and we're all for it! Drink the wine and eat the cookie, but only in moderation.

You'll not only feel better after exercising and maintaining a healthy diet, but you'll also feel better when the holidays are past. We've all experienced that post-holiday slump after overindulging over the previous six to eight weeks and skipping the gym. Avoiding the post-holiday blahs and being attentive to your diet will help you feel better and get a good start on your New Year's resolutions!


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